Intervention axis #1: Infrastructure and Intermodality

In the last decades, the use of private cars has been given excessive primacy, particularly within localities. The consequence was to negatively affect the quality of public space and its potential for enjoyment by everyone and limiting the enjoyment of active modes.

In order to reverse the trend, adapting the physical context to the specific needs of users is the priority.

A guide with national standards for physical interventions

The development of a normative document, adapting international good practices to the national reality, «will make the implementation of appropriate and attractive solutions for cyclists and compatible with different uses common and accessible».

Normative Document for Municipal Road Networks in Urban Environment:

Installation of bicycle parking lots

Bicycle parking must be present in all destinations that generate or attract trips, using standardized technical solutions, guaranteeing safety conditions and aiming at the comfort of bicycle users, with a practical and accessible location and in adequate quantity to demand.

In this context, financial support has been made available for the installation of parking lots:

Intermunicipal cycling networks

The creation of strategic intermunicipal axes with direct and interconnected links, enhancing existing or planned networks, is part of the Portugal Cyclable 2030 iniciative.

Promoting cycling routes for sports and leisure

In addition to promoting daily bicycle use, it’s essential to consider its role in leisure and sports. Here are some products and projects that encourage national and international cycling and offer cycling routes:

  • National Ecopistas Network: these autonomous communication routes are reserved for non-motorized travel. They allow for tourist, sports, educational and environmental awareness routes. Suitable for walking, cycling, wheelchairs use, rollerblading and other forms of gentle mobility. Many of these routes repurpose and revitalize disused paths, canals and railways.
  • Cycling Portugal Centers and Routes: divided into four categories – BTT XC, Road, Gravel and Enduro – result of collaborative efforts by promoting entities and the Portuguese Cycling Federation. Aims to position Portugal as an excellent destination for leisure and tourism cycling.
  • Euro Velo Network: currently includes 17 long-distance cycling routes crossing Europe. In Portugal, the existing route is the Atlantic Coast Route.
  • Portuguese Trails: showcase national cycling and walking offering in regions such as Porto and the North, Central Portugal, Lisbon, Alentejo, Algarve and the Azores and Madeira archipelagos.

Intervene with public transport operators

Full accessibility to public transport for people with disabilities or reduced mobility, including infrastructure, rolling stock and information systems is one of the guarantees that the Strategy wants to achieve. The transport of bicycles and wheelchairs (manual or electric) must be practical and accessible, by rail, river and road, for interurban and urban travel.

Currently, in practice:


Places for bicycles are informal and transport is free. The number of informal seats available on the TransRia vessel are 4 and on the Cale de Aveiro vessel there are 20. On the Dunas de S. Jacinto vessel there are 9 informal places and since 2021 they have a rack for 5 bicycles.

At the S. Jacinto pier there is infrastructure to park 10 bicycles.

Aveiro City Council estimates that 947 bicycles were transported in 2020 and 1 473 in 2021.


Currently, Transtejo/Soflusa has a total of 113 spaces reserved for bicycle parking:

The number of bicycles transported on the Trafaria-Porto Brandão-Belém connection was 11 940 bicycles in 2020, which increased to 16 786 in 2021.


Atlantic Ferries:

The two Catamarans (passenger transport) do not transport bicycles.

The two Ferries (carrying vehicles and passengers) can carry around 300 bicycles each.

Near the catamaran terminal, in Setúbal, there is parking for 20 bicycles. Around the Ponta do Adoxe pier, in Tróia, there is parking for bicycles.

The number of bicycles transported per month grew from 6 874 in 2020 to 7 026 in 2021.


On Aveiro Bus, transport is free.


Foldable and closed bicycles or scooters, transported as hand luggage, may travel in the TUB in the passenger lounge, in front of the exit door, as long as they do not present a danger, nor affect the comfort and safety of passengers. Transport subject to limitations of available space, prioritizing baby strollers and wheelchairs.


At Carris, the Bike Bus service allows the transport of bicycles, without any additional charge, on a limited set of buses identified with their own badge. Preferably available on routes 723 – Algés – Desterro and 724 – Alcântara – Pontinha. The maximum is 4 bicycles per bus. Folding bicycles are considered hand luggage and can be transported on all buses in a separate location.


In STCP, bicycles of reduced dimensions (maximum 55x40x20cm) and closed scooters can travel, as long as they are properly packed, transported as hand luggage, do not present a danger and do not take up space. They cannot be placed in the corridor or platform.


Free transport of bicycles on the MUV is possible on the new buses, with the inclusion of their own racks.

  • CP Urbanos: Transport of bicycles and scooters is free every day and at all times, on urban trains in Lisbon, Porto and Coimbra on all lines. Each Customer can only transport one bicycle or scooter; their accommodation, entrances and exits are the responsibility of the customer and must be transported in such a way that they do not obstruct doors, seating areas and do not hinder the entry and exit of people. Transport is authorized in permitted services and in carriages identified for that purpose.
  • CP Alfa Pendular: bicycles must be transported disassembled and properly packed as luggage that does not exceed, in the trunk or under the seats, the space corresponding to the seats to which they are entitled, with a maximum of one volume per passenger;
  • Intercity Trains on the Northern (Lisbon–Porto/Guimarães/Braga/Valença), Beira Alta, Beira Baixa, Alentejo (Lisbon Oriente/Évora) and Southern Lines: 2nd class carriages have specific supports for transporting traditional bicycles, allowing transport of 2 bicycles per carriage. Bicycle transportation is subject to the availability of designated spaces.
  • Regional/Inter-regional: transport of bicycles and scooters is free, but before boarding, you must go to the Inspection and Sales Operator, who will always be responsible for issuing your (customer’s) transport ticket and guaranteeing, or not, the transport of the respective bicycle, as it is subject to limitations of available space and the type of rolling stock used.
  • International: it is free and can be carried out, as long as they are disassembled and packaged so that they can be transported as hand luggage.
  • Fertagus: it is free, allowed every day of the week, except when there are large crowds of passengers on the platforms or inside the trains. In the case of the latter, bicycle users must wait to board and follow the instructions given by Fertagus employees for this purpose.

Promote the implementation of public bicycle-sharing systems

Providing bicycles as a transport service has enormous potential and the Strategy aims to generalize its use, particularly when systems include electrically assisted vehicles.

In 2021, the Public Transport Service Fund supported the acquisition and installation of equipment for bicycle parking.