Road safety measures for cyclists

In March 2024, the European Road Safety Observatory (ERSO) published a thematic report based on statistics and research on improving road safety for bicycle users.

This report stessed the vulnerability of cyclists in urban areas, revealing that in 2022 approximately 2 000 cyclists died in traffic in the European Union, mainly due to infrastructural and behavioural fctors.

The report offers several recommendations for cities to help prevent cyclists crashes. Regarding infrastructure provision, the ERSO advised the following:

  • Dedicated and physically separated cycle tracks;
  • Lower speed limit for motor vehicles on roads without physically separated cycle tracks;
  • Having skid-resistance and a well-maintained road surface with no obstacles on cycle tracks;
  • Using technology such as intelligent speed assistance in cars to discourage fast driving speed in low speed zones.

Another impactful measure indicated in the report was to ensure adequate street lighting, allowing other road users to spot cyclists at night. Using protective equipment such as helmets and external car-mounted airbags can also reduce cyclists injuries in the case of a crash.

The full report can be consulted here.