Legislative changes

Transport of bicycles on heavy passenger vehicles

With Deliberation No. 292/2019 of March 15th, it became possible to transport bicycles on the exterior of heavy passenger transport vehicles.

Evaluate the mitigation of the injured party’s fault as a cause for exclusion or reduction of compensation in cases of objective liability and assess the expansion of the scope of the Automobile Guarantee Fund

An Anteproject of a decree-law is currently under development, revising the regime of mandatory motor vehicle liability insurance. It aims to address the transposition of Directive (EU) 2021/2118, of November 24, 2021.

School insurance

Since 2019, school insurance coverage includes accidents involving students who commute to school by bicycle.

Portaria No. 298-A/2019, of September 9, extended the scope of application to all students who travel by bicycle autonomously on the home-school-home route. School Insurance covers students who are minors, travel in non-motorized vehicles, and are not accompanied by an adult (an adult responsible for their supervision).

For more information, please refer to: School Sports on Wheels.