Velo City 2021 – Lisbon

In September 2021, Portugal hosted the world’s leading bicycle mobility conference, Velo City 2021, organized jointly by Lisbon City Council, the European Cyclists Federation and the Lisbon Municipal Mobility and Parking Company (EMEL).

Under the theme “Cycle Diversity”, the aim was to reveal a variety of circumstances, political contexts, climates, natural or human environments with bicycle users of all ages, origins and genders, and with all types of bicycles, used for different purposes. With the aim of combating inequalities in our cities and mitigating their effects by promoting access to cycling.

A privileged forum for the exchange of knowledge, it brought together all those involved in public policies to promote cycling, active mobility and sustainable urban development. With over 1 000 participants at FIL, it was a great success and a unique opportunity for the sector.

The event featured a number of stimulating and inspiring debates aimed at working towards more active and sustainable mobility at national level. The Institute for Mobility and Transport held a session dedicated to the National Strategy for Active Cycle Mobility.

In the exhibition area it was possible to see the latest innovations for a better cycling experience.